Even though or perhaps precisely because I am a writer, I have published brilliant guest posts right from the beginning. This website is dedicated to excellent, inspiring writing, and it is also geared toward providing writers with a prolific platform. Usually, I do not take into account whether you have been published before, but instead, solely choose blog posts that inspire and enthrall. Having learned the craft of blogging from scratch, I know how difficult the process can be, particularly with regard to increasing subscription numbers. Guest blogging is undoubtedly one of the best ways to get your name out there and, most importantly, to get your carefully crafted words out to a receptive readership.
Actively Seeking Guest Post Submissions
I am actively looking for guest bloggers to write compelling posts for publication on this website. Briefly outline your concept in the contact form below. If you are a well-known blogger, we can discuss blogging partnerships, and if you are only starting out on your writer’s journey, I can share my experience with you.
Blog Content
Generally speaking, this blog is about the UK coast, writing, family stuff, technology, travel and whatever else needs expressing on any given day. In essence, I aim to provide my readers with interesting, informative content, good enough to share.
When I started my blog, the possibility of growing a sizable readership or even get published on well-known sites seemed remote, however, I have learned that perseverance and a love of writing gradually draw readers, even if you are a novice. All you need to do is show dedication, write well, and keep doing it regularly. In time, you too, can be a well-known blogger.
Guest Post Topics
To get you started, I am listing the topics I Iike to cover here. Nevertheless, do suggest your own topic if you feel it would tie in well with the content of this website:
- Airlines, Buses, Trains
- Blogging and Writing
- Cool Gadgets and Electronics
- Family Finance
- Food and Drinks
- Health and Medicine
- Home and Family
- Parenting
- Hotels and Accommodations
- Lifestyle
- Outdoors
- Photography
- Traveling
- Travel Gear
- Wild Nature
The topics are very broad and give you plenty of scope to express yourself. Don’t be afraid to be controversial, different, or loud.
For novices, I have penned the following sample titles to give you an idea of what I am looking for:
- Wildlife Family Holidays
- Best UK Surfing Beaches
- Family Holidays on a Shoestring Budget
If you are unsure, make sure to drop me a line describing your idea for a guest post. We can always jointly perfect the topic and title.
Short Stories and Poems
Even though my blog predominantly deals with factual topics, I do occasionally publish short stories or poems, simply because I love good quality writing. Send your submission to the same email address, clearly indicating in the subject line that you are submitting a poem or short story to the blog. I will read it and then simply let you know whether I have chosen it for publication or would prefer receiving a factual guest post instead.
The Perks of Guest Blogging
Experienced bloggers know the value of guest blogging. For starters, on this website, more than 14’000 unique monthly readers will enjoy your post and may even share it. They will take note of your name and may well check out your own website or blog. Make sure to include links and a strong bio.
Really good posts will grab the attention of people seeking guest bloggers and you may be requested to write for other sites. In any case, you get plenty of valuable exposure here.
What to Do Next
You can either fill in the contact form below. I read submissions within a couple of days and provide immediate feedback. We will discuss all the relevant details and choose a publication date. The editing process is a joint endeavor offering plenty of scope for mutually beneficial discussion. The entire process is immensely enjoyable and you may well become one of my regular contributors. I look forward to reading your concept or post.